Saturday, September 7, 2013

He discovered the Sante Pure Barley & responsible for the miracle products.

A reseach pharmacologist from JAPAN. Dr Yoshihide Hagiwara M.D believes that the key to the nutritive value of this supplement is not just nutrient content of the concentrated extract, but its biochemical from which promotes more effective assimilation. What really sets this powdered juice apart from other food supplement, he says are the thousands of live enzymes. The anti-aging enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of these. SOD aids in digestion and metabolism by helping to disperse  vitamins and minerals into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body. Dr. Richard Cutler, a biophysicist at the National Institute Of Aging has shown that the life span of many mammalian species, including man were found to be directly proportional to the amount or SOD contained in the cells. The animals with the longest life spans and man were found to have the highest levels of SOD. SOD acts as a cellular anti-oxidants, protecting against radiation and chemical free-radicals from pollution, as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and preventing cellular damage following heart attacks.

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